Friday, October 12, 2012

Social Media in Education

        At this time Social Media is part of students every lives. Because it is important to them in order to increase their knowledge. And it makes their learning easy and quickly. Social media in education can help student develop a capacity for practical reasoning and develop their skills and ability when it comes in technology. It also used to engage student in learning process and can give them additional information about their lesson.
     There are some social media that can enhance the learning process, like Facebook, through Facebook student can share their own opinion, to show who they are, and expressing their feelings. Facebook can also help teacher in discussing class topics. Teacher can use the wall in their facebook group pages to provide materials like videos, articles, and link to pertinent websites. And the students can discuss and share their thoughts. Student can use also a twitter. The tweets often inspire a productive conversation about the topics. It can give opportunity for those students who are frightened to respond question in class discussion. Wikis, is one of the social media that teacher and students can interact with each other it encourage them to share their knowledge. Teacher can use wikis to provide student access to class outline, documentation and some essential information and student can add their own content. The format encourages an exchanging an ideas and add some fun elements to students assignment.
    Social media in education has also disadvantages, it can make student dependent in doing their homework, and also in doing their projects they did not apply their own creativity they just depend on computer. And sometimes student spend hours everyday on Facebook or in online games probably not minding their homework, they forgot to study their lesson. I can say that social media is a major distraction from studying.

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