Friday, October 12, 2012

Cybercrime Prevention Act

        Cybercrime prevention act is concern about criminal behavior on the internet and effect of abusive behavior. Nowadays there are so many crimes that occur on the internet, such as cybersex, child pornography, the cyber squatting etc.
Cybersex is the willful engagement, maintenance, control, or operation of any lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity, with the aid of computer system. Child Pornography is the unlawful or prohibited acts defined and punishable by republic act No.9775 or the anti child pornography act of 2009, committed through a computer system. And the cyber squatting, acquisition of any domain name over the internet in bad faith to profit, mislead, destroy reputation, and deprive others from registering the same is similar, identical or confusingly similar to an existing trademark registered with the appropriate government agency at the time of domain name registration.  This three act enumerated in section 4, if person found guilty of this act shall  be punish with imprisonment of prisons mayor or the penalty of reclusion temporal or a fine in maximum commensurate to the damage incurred.
 Let us bear in mind that there’s a law that bind us all, the constitution. Our constitution is clear and uncompromising the civil liberties it guarantees all people.  In today issue there so many hackers that destroy reputation of government.  We would therefore point out that no government entity has moved on to deprive anyone of access to the internet. In fact what was taken in place is that hackers who claim to be aligned with critics at cybercrime act are the one who have engaged in online vandalism, depriving the broader public of access to much needed government information and services online.


Social Media in Education

        At this time Social Media is part of students every lives. Because it is important to them in order to increase their knowledge. And it makes their learning easy and quickly. Social media in education can help student develop a capacity for practical reasoning and develop their skills and ability when it comes in technology. It also used to engage student in learning process and can give them additional information about their lesson.
     There are some social media that can enhance the learning process, like Facebook, through Facebook student can share their own opinion, to show who they are, and expressing their feelings. Facebook can also help teacher in discussing class topics. Teacher can use the wall in their facebook group pages to provide materials like videos, articles, and link to pertinent websites. And the students can discuss and share their thoughts. Student can use also a twitter. The tweets often inspire a productive conversation about the topics. It can give opportunity for those students who are frightened to respond question in class discussion. Wikis, is one of the social media that teacher and students can interact with each other it encourage them to share their knowledge. Teacher can use wikis to provide student access to class outline, documentation and some essential information and student can add their own content. The format encourages an exchanging an ideas and add some fun elements to students assignment.
    Social media in education has also disadvantages, it can make student dependent in doing their homework, and also in doing their projects they did not apply their own creativity they just depend on computer. And sometimes student spend hours everyday on Facebook or in online games probably not minding their homework, they forgot to study their lesson. I can say that social media is a major distraction from studying.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ultimate ilonggo's food delicacies

                                              Lapaz Batchoy 
Batchoy is a noodle soup made with pork organs, crushed pork cracklings, chicken stock, beef loin and round noodles. Its origins can be traced to the district of La Paz, Iloilo City in the Philippines, hence it is oftentimes referred to as La Paz Batchoy.

How to cook Lapaz Batchoy



This is the most essential part of the Batchoy, preparing the right broth, I’m including the traditional way of doing it, it’s up to you to make some of the ingredients optional.

- Beef Shank (With bone in and Marrow)
- Pork neck bones
- Pork Shoulder
- Chicken bones for stock
- Pork Liver (optional but traditional)
- Pork small intestines (optional but traditional)
- fish bagoong (optional but traditional) or crushed shrimp heads
- Garlic minced
- Scallions
- Shallots
- Chicharon
- Miki (Round Egg noodles)
- AJINOMOTO (I would like to say this as optional, but if you want the original taste you have to have it or some substitute sugar with it)


- In a pot brown some garlic and take out
- Sautee the bagoong and shallots
- Add the meat (beef, pork bones, chicken bones etc) and saute for a bit
- Add water, boil and turn to simmer
- Once the pork shoulder, liver and intestines are done take out from the pot, drain and set aside
- Continue to boil the bones, add fresh garlic, sea salt
* sachi twist: fry or grill the liver instead of boiling and top the noodles with it later

Noodles and toppings

- Cook egg noodles according to packaging, drain and transfer to bowl. In Iloilo the Miki is already cooked so you just rinse it.
- chop the pork shoulder, liver and intestines and top the noodles with it
- Chop some scallions, crush the chicharon and top noodles with it
- add the crunchy browned garlic and pour broth over it. If desired add the bone marrow to your bowl.


Chicken Inasal

Chicken Inasal - is a grilled chicken dish and one of the well known Ilonggo dishes. This is done by marinating chicken pieces in a unique blend of spices and grilling them until done.

How to cook chicken Inasal


1 kg (1000 g) whole chicken, cut into halves or vserving pieces
3 tbsp (36.6 g) atsuete seeds, soaked in 3 tbsp hot water and strained
1 tbsp (10 g) sinigang mix powder
1/2 tsp (1 g) pepper

2 stalks (38 g) tanglad, pounded
1 tbsp (14 g) minced garlic
1 tsp (3.2 g) minced ginger


  • sea salt (we Ilonggos, just like other Filipinos, don’t measure like the westerners do. Tantya-tantya lang (just estimate). Taste the marinade for the saltiness).
  • garlic, crushed well
  • sugar, brown or white will do (taste the marinade, when its sweet, that’s it)
  • a bottle of Sprite or 7-up
  • soy sauce (some use this sparingly; others don’t include it at all)
  • black pepper (optional)
  • vetsin or monosodium glutamate (personally, i have banned it from all my cooking but since we’re talking about the typical inasal recipe in Iloilo, well, I should say, Ilonggos in general like putting vetsin into their cooking)
  • 2-3 pieces calamansi (optional too or it will border on the Bacolod version)
  • just a little langgaw or vinegar (some manug-inasal put this to preserve the meat, in case it will have to stay longer on the shelf)
  • about a kilo of chicken (that’s 4 basic cuts–2 pecho (breast + wing) & 2 paa (leg+ thigh) and the remaining parts)


           Vegetables soup of ilonggo

Vegetable soup-is a healthy dish and very rich in fiber which is very important in our digestion. Laswa is best served immediately while the vegetables are still firm. It is a great side dish for anything fried especially with fried fish or shrimp


  1. Alugbati
  2. Malunggay
  3. Talbos ng kamote
  4. saluyot
  5. local spinach or kulitis
  6. green papaya (unripe)
  7. okra
  8. eggplant
  9. squash
  10. takway
  11. shrimp
  12. lemon grass
  13. tomatoes
  14. red onions
  15. salt
  16. water


  1. 1. In a pot, bring water to a boil
  2. add tomatoes, shrimps, and onions, simmer for 5 minutes
  3. add squash, takway, and papaya, simmer for 5 minutes
  4. add eggplant simmer for 3 minutes
  5. add all the leafy vegetables and tanglad
  6. add salt -  to taste ( or patis – fish sauce)
  7. serve hot in a bowl

Ilonggo's sweet desserts 



Maja Blanca

Maja Blanca is a Filipino dessert made from coconut milk, cornstarch, and sugar. Often called Coconut Pudding, this luscious dessert is easy to make and the ingredients are very common.Unknown to many, the original Maja Blanca Recipe does not include corn and milk. In this recipe, I added whole sweet kernel corn and condensed milk for added taste and a more creamy texture.


  • 4 cups coconut milk
  • 3/4 cup cornstarch
  • 14 ounces condensed milk
  • 3/4 cup fresh milk
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 15 ounces whole sweet kernel corn
  • 5 tbsp toasted grated coconut

Cooking Procedure

  1. Pour the coconut milk in a cooking pot and bring to a boil.
  2. Add the sugar, condensed milk, and whole sweet kernel corn then stir until all the ingredients are evenly distributed.
  3. Simmer for 8 minutes
  4. Combine the fresh milk and cornstarch then whisk until the cornstarch is diluted
  5. Pour the fresh milk and cornstarch mixture in the cooking pot and stir thoroughly.
  6. Allow to cook while stirring until the mixture reaches your desired thickness
  7. Pour the mixture in a serving tray then arrange and flatten the top using a flat tool such as a wooden spatula
  8. Allow to cool down then refrigerate for at least 1 hour
  9. Garnish with toasted grated coconut (or latik if available)
  10. Serve cold. Share and enjoy!


 Yema Cake

Ingredients :

1-1/2 cup of sweetened condensed milk
2 cup of powdered full cream milk
1 50-g. pack of coconut cream powder
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp. of butter, softened
a cup of white sugar
1 ready made chiffon cake
 Procedure :
Pour the condensed milk into a small saucepan. Set the fire to medium to heat it gently. Please do not make the mixture boils.
After you have beaten the egg yolk in a bowl, pour in the half of the heated condensed milk into the bowl and stir to blend in the egg yolk and add all the coconut cream.
Pour the mixture of milk, coconut and egg into the pan and just continue cooking. Stir and scrap the sides and bottom of the pan to prevent discolor or damage texture.
When the mixture thickens a bit, place the powdered milk in a large mixing bowl. Pour in the egg-coconut cream-milk mixture. Add the butter and stir it until texture is ok and smooth. While the mixture is still in semi liquid form, put it on top and at the sides of the chiffon cake like a usual icing. Dress it up with white Icing to make it look better